Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let Ameirca Be America Again

Let America Be America Again written by Langston Hughes is a
 powerful poem that takes on drastic point of view towards America and
 its dream.  Langston Hughes tone is reproachful, yet resentful and sad. 
He takes on the point of view of many people, he is representing them by
 saying that many different people came and live in America in hopes and 
aspirations of something better. He frankly discusses the economic and
 social disparity between people. This poem is very unbiased, one line he 
states I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart. Langston realizes 
that all people are affected in some way or form because of the dream.
 I also think that he wants to portray the widening gap between classes 
and social characteristics of people. Blacks, whites, rich or poor we all 
share many of the same problems of life. Personally as an
 African American I share of the same sentiments that he has. 
I feel that all people should profit from living in such a fertile 
and capitalizing country. In relation to the time period the poem
 was extremely relevant. The fact that Langston Hughes uses the
first person in the poem shows me that his personally connection 
to the poem was direct. He constantly uses “I’ to show what he feels 
and what he is thinking. Though the poem is resentful, it does exempt
 hope. In lines (64-74) Langston Hughes divulges his opinion of what
 America is what it should be and what he expects it to be. The poem 
often touches on the subject of greed of money and greed. He feels 
that this is the center of what America has become. 
Drawing parallel to “The Great Gatsby”, I would say he is right. 
The greed for money and materialistic possessions is what drives a bulk of
 the characters in the book. None of them (besides maybe Gatsby and Nick)
 has any other goals or reasons to live or be happy. Let America Be 
America is a distinguished and accurate poem and to some extend is
 relevant today. The dream should be shared and available to everyone
 if there is such a dream. 

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