Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My "Little Red Hunting Hat

            I think that I am a very unique person but, one thing that I love about myself is my willingness to say what I feel and think outside and inside the boxJ. Since I have such splendid and emblematic thoughts it inspired me to write and that’s what I do. So I feel my writing (creative thoughts) is my red hunting hat. I ALWAYS have something to say, if you have a question I have an answer. And I usually don’t care what other s think of what I think (not to be egoistical) I just have a lot of confidence and I’m very hard to persuade once I have my mind made up.
Even though this can sometimes be considered a flaw I feel that if I don’t speak up no one will so I don’t sit around and wait for others to take actions, I lead the way. Also who can better express my thoughts than me?
            The color red is also a great color to consider with me because I’m very bold and I can sometimes be very dangerous (LOL) even to myself. I know that sometimes I’m my own worst enemy and since I love to think I tend to over think things, but one in all I count my thoughts as a premeditated blessing from God. I want to attend college to become a doctor and I also want a law degree, so I know my talking and thoughts (red hunting hat) will come in handy, one day. I feel my ultimate duty is to help spread truth, love, compassion, knowledge and of course the wealth of my opinion and the power of opinions.
(Below I have posted a few poems of mine just to share what I think about sometimes hope you enjoy J)
Ignorant Bliss
(Ignorant people, ignorant people…this one goes out to all the ignorant people)
Someone once told me that ignorance is bliss
But I’m wondering when that happened…
How could it be?
What did I miss?
Uniformed, inconsiderate, rude thing ignorance is
The bliss part….well I’m confused on how that came in
There’s a thin line between the truth and ignorance
And we stand on one side or another
Ignorant bliss is a total contradiction
It is what it is
Self-conscious stupidity
I’m pissed at the ugliness you ignorant blissful people bestow
So I feel it’s about time I let everybody know
Ignorance is Not bliss
Scrapping the bottom of the pudding cup
Too scared and senseless to even look up
No I can’t handle lies
But y’all not ready for the truth
The sincerity of ignorance is real
The ignorance that lies, deceives and kills
Reality is ignorance is a choice…you choose
Ignorant bliss or truth in the exactness
So to all my ignorant people who are out there listening?
Tell really, how does ignorant bliss feel?

Raped thoughts, murdered love
Guilty hearts, sorrowed souls…..deadly condemnations
Lost respect, cold hard honesty
But, what if it could all be changed?
The past the future.
Pain, love, joy, pleasure, deceit, courage.
Or are they all one in the same…?
If the past could be changed it would already be done
Love gained, battles fought, wars won
If the past was in your control, what would you do?
Would love be stale, affections mild?
Could you forgive, forget?
Save a life, make a threat, build a dream, start over apologize?
Use the future as a gift…..nothing more and nothing less.
Guinness thoughts, bold perspective, endless possibilities and new beginnings.

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