Saturday, November 26, 2011

thankful for a classmate

Outspoken, well read and funny. I am thankful to have Kirkland in my American lit. class. Kirkland has very insightful things to say and he also thinks outside the norm i appreciate this because, I’m so used to people doing and saying the same things its nice to have someone who doesn't mind speaking what they feel. Kirkland is also has a very unique personality, though a know several people who think Kirkland is annoying, he feel that he is just being himself and that is what draws me to listen and appreciate  him. He doesn't seem to care that other people dislike many things he says. I appreciate Kirkland’s open and opinionated statements. Considering myself as an outspoken person I enjoy listening and pondering other outspoken perosns thoughts.
Another person that I am especially thankful for is Mr. McCarthy. Since the first day of school I knew that he would be my favorite teacher and I would enjoy his class. And he has not disappointed me yet. I enjoy listening to Mr. McCarthy’s lectures and lessons. He challenges me to think outside the box and this helps me better evaluate me as a person, student, friend, daughter, sister etc. Mr. McCarthy is a very wise and educated man and I have nothing but great things to say about him. 20 years from now I will look back and think on Mr. McCarthy as my teacher and I know I will look back and say that I am thankful to have had Mr. McCarthy in as my teacher.

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