Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Road: View on Cormac McCarthy

          Cormac McCarthy describes a devastated, drained, raped society. There is no need for money, government or even phones, iPods etc.  I believe that Cormac McCarthy has some truth to the world he is describing, but I also think that there are ways to prevent the world from collapsing.
Human greed, personal issues and lack of respect for the environment and world around us is the cause for the world’s destruction. Mr. McCarthy explicitly describes the effects from those things but he doesn’t really describe the causes.  I think in order to fix any problem you must know the cause. Cormac McCarthy does shine a ray of hope several times in the book, but he leaves a lot up to the imagination. I agree with him on several things how dangerous and desperate times lead humans to do desperate and dangerous things. He does a good job giving examples such as cannibalism, murdering and hunger.  The Road is a view into what the future can be for the human r ace, but it isn’t necessarily what is meant to be or destined for us.

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